In this post I explore the concept of “Augmented Intelligence” (which I have dubbed “AugI”) and how it can support board members in meeting their fiduciary duty of care regarding…
In a post on the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance titled “Cybersecurity: An Evolving Governance Challenge”, the authors highlighted the following three main issues. I have added a…
The Colonia Oil debacle was catastrophic by itself. Suppose the bad actors had shut down the entire electrical grid at the same? Suppose they could have compromise access to the…
The discussion about ethics has exploded on the web, particularly in the context of facial recognition and Facebook’s use of personal information. In doing a complete revision of our website,…
115 Year old University Fails to Follow Proper Fiduciary Practices and Devastates the Legacy of its Founder. This is a good case where there is value to integrating fiduciary due diligence…
When reading the Terms of Service (TOS) for cloud data providers like Google, Microsoft, or Dropbox, you might be forgiven if you think that your data is safe. Technically, your…
by Alden G Lank DBA and FFI Fellow, and Robert R. Patterson MBA, AIFA Read the business section of any metropolitan newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, The Economist, or Financial Times…
There have been a number of articles about the impact of the EU’s implementation of the GDPR on how US companies do business with the EU member countries. In this…